2023-2024 Proposed SCBO Budget

The SCBO Mission Council is happy to present the 2023-2024 proposed budget. While the overall budget remains unchanged, there are several exciting new initiatives and increases to many strategic ministries. Here are a few highlights for your consideration:

  • Cedarville Scholarships (NEW)
    With our new partnership, we are striving to help Senior Pastors of cooperating churches send their kids to Cedarville via scholarship.
  • Mission Dignity (NEW)
    To financially help with those who have served the Lord in ministry but live in poverty, we will partner with Guidestone to offer a 13th check to qualified recipients. 
  • Worship 424 (Increase)
    In collaboration with Cedarville, we are continuing to bring in high-capacity worship leaders to help discover & develop the next generation of worship leaders for our churches. 
  • Super Summer (Increase)
    This past summer, we had a record number of students & counselors, nearly 450. Every year, students give their life to Christ and many surrender to full-time missions & ministry.
  • Camp-U-Can (Increase)
    Young men from urban areas across Ohio come together for several days and many come from broken homes and a life of poverty. This week helps them hear the Gospel and experience mentorship from Godly leaders.
  • Disaster Relief (Increase)
    As calamities across Ohio and the United States increase, so do the opportunities to serve and share the Gospel. Our Ohio DR teams were deployed at a record pace this year and we believe that will only continue. 
  • Church Revitalization (Increase)
    We must continue to resource and help churches move from surviving to thriving.
  • Evangelism Grants (Increase)
    Churches that are cooperating and taking the Gospel to their communities can apply for an evangelism grant to help defray the cost of their training/event.
  • Associational Support (Increase)
    The SCBO continues to offer financial support to our associations not only for the annual retreat, but also throughout the year for strategies that need assistance to implement.
  • Pastors'/Staff Wives (Increase)
    Momentum continues to build for a network of pastors’ wives, staff wives, and women serving the Lord in ministry.
  • COLA (Increase)
    There is a 4% cost of living adjustment for the SCBO staff in this proposed budget.

Questions can be addressed to Kevin Heaton at kheaton@scbo.org (614) 601-6789 or to Jeremy Westbrook at jwestbrook@scbo.org.
