Encouraging and equipping leaders for Great Commission churches. 2 Timothy 2:2

Online tools available 24/7; anywhere you have web access. Most offer free access!
Explore the online resources
Worship 4:24 is a two-day conference designed to equip and encourage worship leaders, pastors, musicians, bands, praise teams, choirs and tech crews to be effective leaders in their ministries. We hope to introduce you and your teams to new and fresh music, learn about writing and publishing worship songs, and equip you with techniques for working with your worship team.

Every year brings a new LifeWay VBS theme - including new music, new decorations, new activities & crafts, and a whole lot more.

Super Summer is an intense week of Bible learning and leadership development for a select group of potential leaders. This event is designed for any sized church whether you have 1-100 youth.