Challenge '21: AWAKEN 21-Days of Prayer

Pastor Reginald Hayes, 2021 SCBO President, called Ohio Baptists to “Pray Until God Does Great Exploits Through Us!” in 2021. The challenge comes from Daniel 11:32 “...the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” In January, we invited Ohio Baptists to sign up and say, “Count me in!”
March 1-21 Baptists all over Ohio joined in prayer using AWAKEN: 21-Day Prayer Guide by Claude King. In addition to those who downloaded the book, we sent over one hundred daily emails to those registered. Our social media campaign engaged 89 new account followers; most of those new followers came from Instagram.
Did you miss the emails? No worries, you can go to and register to receive the emails for the next 21 days!
What’s next? Follow the plan at There you will find a Praying Up to Pentecost 50-day prayer guide for the days between Easter and Pentecost.
May 6 will be The National Day of Prayer. The 2021 Theme will be: Lord Pour Out Your Love, Life, and Liberty based on 2 Corinthians 3:17. Every year, millions of Americans, in tens of thousands of meetings across all 50 states, come together for unified public prayer for America. Resources are available at
You will also find a guide for Pentecost Prayer Meetings with several suggestions for prayer gatherings May 13-22. SCBO President Reginald Hayes is encouraging churches to come together, city-wide, county-wide, association-wide, or regionally, seeking God for revival.
Saturday, May 22, will be a great climax to the Pentecost prayer gatherings as believers worldwide celebrate the Lordship of Jesus Christ and publicly proclaim the Glory, the Majesty, and the Supremacy of the Savior. It's all about Jesus... nothing else. Go here for more information: March for Jesus.
In June, we will be praying for those in persecution Sunday, June 6. We will then launch praying for camps at Seneca Lake Baptist Assembly and Super Summer at Cedarville University.
There will be no shortage of prayer opportunities as we PrayOhio!

“While we all pray for the fruits of revival, our real commitment must be to grow the roots of revival. There are no fruits without roots. The root system of revival: praying people, supporting praying pastors, who lead praying churches, for supernatural Gospel impact.”
See Praying Up to Pentecost and Pentecost Prayer Meetings pdf downloads below