The Atmosphere of Evangelism

Matthew 9:35 - 10:33 informs us that Jesus had compassion for people and He encouraged His disciples to have it also. In this text we see 5 pictures/principles that encourage the followers of Jesus to be compassionate, especially in the area of evangelism. First, note that Jesus had an AWARENESS that people were lost and confused. They were like sheep without a shepherd with a tendency to roam about unprotected and unaware. Second, He gave his apostles an APPROACH in beginning their evangelistic outreach. Go to the lost sheep of Israel and find people that are receptive to the ministry of the gospel. Third, Jesus commanded His disciples to put that approach into ACTION. He informed them to go do the ministry and not just talk about it, learn about it, or think about it. Just do it! Fourth, He described the fact that they would have opposition which would result in persecution. He also encouraged them not to be APPREHENSIVE in going. In other words, don't not go just because difficulty awaits you. Finally, Jesus told His disciples that they could rejoice in the results that their obedience would produce. People would hear the gospel, believe in Jesus, be saved, and begin living for God. Those results were things the apostles APPRECIATED and celebrated and we should do the same! Therefore, go tell someone about Jesus today!