The Power of Partnerships (Part 2)

One of the biggest mission fields in OH can be discovered by visiting one of our more than 60 college campuses! Recently, our evangelism resource group had the privilege of partnering with Lifepoint Church Columbus (LPC) as their student volunteers passed out bibles during The Ohio State University's recent Student Involvement Fair. During that hot day in August, 297 bibles were distributed and 240 OSU student contacts were secured. Since then the LPC volunteers have been reconnecting with those students and assisting them with their questions and curiousities concerning the Gospel.
Let me ask a question: are you or your church investing in collegiate ministry? If not why not consider doing so. Contact OH and NAMB National Collegiate Evangelism Strategist Brian Frye at and discover ways you can partner with ministries that are impacting the lives of colege students with the Good News of Jesus Christ.