Global Hunger Fund Provides Nourishment for Bodies and Souls

Global Hunger Fund Provides Nourishment for Bodies and Souls

By John Heading, SCBO Global Hunger Fund director

Floyd is one of the 828 million people globally who is chronically hungry due to war, famine, poverty, and other serious issues.

He is also one of the 44 million people who are chronically hungry in the United States.

However, Floyd is a regular attender at the United Faith International Feeding Ministry in Columbus  which is a recipient of Global Hunger Funds (GHF) from Send Relief’s Global Hunger Relief Ministry through SCBO.

Through responsible partnership, GHF seeks to purchase and distribute nutritious food to people deprived of adequate amounts or kinds of food in the name of Christ. GHF also aids chronically hungry people helping them develop life skills that will increase their ability to feed themselves. 

GHF also aids chronically hungry people helping them develop life skills that will increase their ability to feed themselves

Since the Global Hunger Fund started in 1978 over 130,000 people have come to faith in Christ . . . one meal at a time.

SCBO is one of twenty-six, non-south state conventions that receive a maximum of $20,000 a year to divide among SCBO approved agencies. 

In 2024, SCBO approved agencies who are receiving funds are United Faith International Food Pantry, Columbus; The Refuge Church, Zanesville; New Heights Fellowship; Toledo, Central Baptist Mission, Akron; The Bridge, Lancaster; New Life Mission, Hamilton; Elyria Baptist Church, Elyria; and FBC Lancaster Food Pantry.

While Global Hunger Funds are earmarked for food, this type of compassion ministry involves much more than feeding people. 

United Faith International Food Pantry, Columbus  -- Floyd found more than nutrition Earlier this year Floyd was diagnosed with a lump in his stomach and needed a biopsy. He had no family in the area so Food Pantry volunteers went with him to the procedure and prayed with him. Today they are continuing to walk with him through his journey. 

The Refuge Church, Zanesville -- Workers noticed that an elderly lady who normally attends food distribution day had not been around for a while. The church reached out to her and discovered she had fallen and was no longer able to get out. To meet her needs the ministry began taking food to her home.

Feeding ministries also address great needs among women and children.

New Heights Fellowship, Toledo -- “Client T” was a victim of sex-trafficking. She has requested help several times and the New Heights pantry has been there to meet her needs.

Central Community Mission, Akron -- Seven children come to faith in Christ through their connection to  the feeding ministry..

The Bridge Church, Lancaster – On average, The Bridge Church provides food to 161 families every month through an outreach to a local elementary school.

The GHF not only exists to meet feeding needs, but it also has a goal to see people move forward in their lives to feed themselves and to grow in their faith in Christ. 

Elyria Baptist Church, Elyria --Sarah Winfree recently shared how the funding from GHF has given the church the opportunity to feed hungry teens, as well as provided an avenue to see them grow in Christ.

It has been awesome to see this area grow and the connections and relationships that are happening.

“Our Teen Connection was one of the Bible studies started in early in 2024,” Winfree said. “It has been awesome to see this area grow and the connections and relationships that are happening. With the Bible study every Sunday Night, as well as a meal being prepared for them, the teens are seeing the time, effort and stable consistency that is happening.”  Through GHF and Teen Connection, Elyria Church has seen one teen saved and baptized.

The Arms of Faith Ministry, FBC Lancaster – This ministry is making a difference in Mandie’s life, according to Mitzi Parsons. She’s found a place that makes her feel welcome.

“Mandie is 47. She lives in a halfway house recovering from methamphetamine addiction,”  Parson’s said. After meeting Mandie, we talked to her about coming to church. She has visited several local churches and didn't feel welcome. One of our former volunteers offered to bring her to church.”

Mandie has been coming to church and is eager to learn about Jesus, and Parsons is very hopeful that she will be saved.

Sometimes it takes years for change to happen.

New Life Mission, Hamilton -- Felix Russo shared about a young man that the church had ministered to for years. He was homeless, living out of his car. He finally decided to enter addiction treatment. He completed the program and is now a recovery house supervisor. More importantly, he has rededicated his life to Christ.

Matthew 25 teaches us that when we provide food, water, and shelter to those in need, we are serving Christ. The Global Hunger Fund offering in August provides resources for churches to minister to the needs of many and in turn have the opportunity to share the love of Christ.