Ohio Disaster Relief - Qualifications

Training and certification in SBDR is a serious endeavor. That identification tells others that our volunteers have cleared a background check, are specially trained, and are emotionally ready to serve. So we take this process very seriously.

Our motivation to serve can be summed up in one phrase:

“A cup of cold water in Jesus’ name” (Matthew 10:42).

It seems there is no one who needs “something else to do” as we all are overcommitted in our schedules. However, the motivation for serving others and obeying the Great Commission to “go” comes from the Scriptures and our experience of faith in Christ. How can we not go?

We are motivated by the commands and compassion of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14). Jesus communicated through His words and deeds (Luke 24:19) how greatly He values people in crisis (Matthew 9:36). 

Volunteering through Ohio Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is open to:

  • Adults who are members or active participants of a Southern Baptist Church in Ohio.
  • College Students who are members or active participants in a Southern Baptist Church in Ohio, who are active participants in an H2O ministry at a university in Ohio, or a student at Cedarville University.

A volunteer needs a positive mental, social, and spiritual attitude to take on the task of providing physical assistance. As a volunteer, you have the responsibility for your own personal preparation, motivation, attitude, availability, participation, training, and improvement.

Take a personal survey to check your attitude:

  • Do I have a servant’s heart or am I thinking about myself much of the time?
  • Am I willing to take directions from others or am I resentful of demands made on me?
  • Am I able to adapt to ever-changing circumstances or do I become frustrated when the instructions continue to change and evolve?
  • Do I know how to be part of the team or do I need to be in charge?
  • Am I going to help people in need or do I have a personal agenda?
  • Am I willing to work wherever needed or am I inflexible?
  • Am I self-controlled in speech, attitude, and actions?
  • Am I physically strong enough to work long and strenuous days?

To work in SBDR we must be prepared for whatever comes, be fluid in practice, and prepared to share the love of Christ with people we encounter.

If you believe Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is something for you, then take the next step in the TRAINING section