Cincinnati Church Plant hosted their Second VBS
The Valley Church is a 2 year old church plant in Cincinnati and this summer they hosted their second Vacation Bible School. The event started with their annual week of Party in the Parks. The church rents 4 parks on 4 different nights the week before VBS. They rent the Block Party Trailer from CABA and provide free bounce houses, sno cones, cotton candy, popcorn, and cornhole. A VBS registration station is set up at each park. This year 82 children pre-registered for VBS at the Party in the Parks. The following week was game time! The Game On theme from Lifeway turned out to be a “game changer” as The Valley enjoyed great growth in year two. The total amount of kids that joined The Valley was 112 with an average nightly attendance of 84. The Valley borrowed a church van to offer a bus ministry and picked up 30 kids each night! They offered a family meal each night (funding for the meal was provided by CABA out of the hunger funds account) and fed 120+ people per night, including parents and children. As a result, 6 salvations occurred and The Valley’s new baptistry waters will be stirred this fall.
Follow @OhioVBS on Facebook for more pictures from The Valley Church and other churches around Ohio!