Wild Times at VBSI
The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio offered Vacation Bible School Institute (VBSI) to teach churches how to lead vacation bible school (VBS) in their community. VBS is a program that many churches offer to provide themed activities that entertain children and adults as they learn about God and biblical principles. VBS is an easy way to get children and families involved in church by offering a fun-filled, unforgettable program.
Vacation Bible School 2019 is on its way and with the theme this year of In The Wild. We have jumped right in on the exotic adventure ready to explore! VBSI Ohio is a training experience for VBS teams to successfully serve their community. The VBSI Ohio event served 326 participants representing 57 churches with a day filled with learning, lunch, and fun.
At VBSI Ohio, teams learned all about the In the Wild VBS 2019 curriculum through interactive core classes that include lessons for all ages from preschool to adults. VBSI Ohio core classes also consist of a focus on pastors, directors, and missions. This year VBSI Ohio took extra consideration to provide classes that serve our Hispanic community offering classes in Spanish. From core classes to sessions about decorations, snacks, and how to enlist volunteers. VBSI delivers on providing the tools you need for your VBS to be an outstanding experience.
VBSI Ohio is an opportunity for VBS teams to become equipped in connecting the church with children and families for a lifelong relationship. If you or someone you know is interested in attending a local VBS program this summer or need help doing so contact The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio at 614-601-6789 or visit www.scbo.org
By: Damika Withers
Visit the VBS Ohio Facebook Page for even more pictures!