Trinity Baptist Celebrates 60th Anniversary

After twenty-six years of waiting and planning, Trinity Baptist Church, Cambridge, recently celebrated the dedication of their new church building.
The journey began in 1999 when the church voted to relocate. They spent the next seven years looking for property. “We tried to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading,” said Pastor Mark Stinson. In 2006 they purchased twenty-five acres and began a capital campaign to pay off the property.
In 2010 Trinity began a campaign to raise money for the new building. “We raised almost a million dollars,” said Stinson. However, the church still did not sense the Lord directing them to start building.
Finally in 2018, Stinson and other leaders began to sense that it was the Lord’s time to relocate and build a new facility. “The Holy Spirit spoke to me and others in the church. It was a confirmation that it was time. We met with an architect and began to move forward,” said Stinson. “We also hired a contractor and kept moving through things.”
Four years later, on May 29, 2022, Trinity worshiped in its new facility for the first time. With the church’s sixtieth anniversary approaching on August 5, church leaders decided to celebrate both the past and the future on July 31, with a special worship service. The service featured former pastor Jack Helton, AMS Bob Beike, and SCBO Executive Director Treasurer Dr. Jeremy Westbrook.
“It was a good service,” said Stinson. “We are very excited about using our new building to share the gospel in Cambridge and Guernsey County.”
Twenty-six years later, Stinson sees God’s hand in the journey. “We firmly held to Psalm 127a. ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor over it in vain.’ We did not want to do anything outside of God’s will.” Stinson also believes there was a message in the waiting--the Lord was reminding Trinity that relocating and building was something only He could accomplish. “It was Him, not us.”

SCBO Executive-Director Treasurer Dr. Jeremy Westbrook brings the message during the Trinity Baptist Church new building dedication and sixtieth anniversary celebration.

Trinity Baptist Church celebrates in style.

Jack Helton, former pastor and current SCBO Senior Staff member, shares his testimony at the anniversary celebration for Trinity Baptist Church in Cambridge.

Trinity Baptist Church celebrates the dedication of its new building as well as its sixtieth anniversary.