Super Summer Ohio Breaks Records

By Stephanie Heading, managing editor and Keith Hurt, SCBO next generation director
Super Summer Ohio, a student leadership program, had another record week in June, crushing attendance records and seeing almost forty percent of the attendees make decisions for Christ.
“God is truly moving in and through the students and leaders of Super Summer,” said Keith Hurt, Super Summer Ohio director and SCBO next generation director.
“I have never been more excited about the things that God is doing in and through this program,” said Hurt. “In 2022 we had our highest attendance year with 345 students and adults participating. This year we had 450 participants with 27 salvation decisions, 30 commitments to baptism, 37 called into full-time ministry, and 76 called into missions.”
I have never been more excited about the things that God is doing in and through this program.
During the last week of June, Super Summer convenes at Cedarville University for a week of intensive student leadership training, worship, and Bible teaching. “I have been involved with Super Summer for the past 17 years now, and I have still not experienced another student-leadership program that comes close to the quality of Super Summer,” said Hurt.
Students at each grade level focused on a different aspect of student leadership. The upcoming eighth graders (Red School) focused on “Basics of the Christian Faith.” Those going into ninth grade (Blue School) looked at “Identity in Christ.” Upcoming Sophomores (Orange School) focused on “Making Your Faith Your Own.”
The students who are entering their Junior year (Yellow School) looked at “Servant Leadership.” Upcoming Seniors (Green School) studied “Biblical Worldview.” Recent high school graduates (Silver School) focused on “Discovering God’s Will.” Students who are called to ministry (Purple School) focused on “Exploring Your Calling.”
The Noah Ayers Band led students and leaders together in worship each evening. The band members are currently enrolled Cedarville students or recent graduates who are now leading worship in local churches in and around Cedarville.
The Super Summer students came hungry to worship. At several points during the week the worship leaders just stopped singing and listened as the youth poured out their hearts to God. At one point one of the photographers put his camera down and lifted his hands in worship. One recent high school graduate described the worship as “the closest thing to Heaven that I have ever experienced.”
The speaker for the week was Kirk Kirkland, church planting catalyst for SEND Network Ohio and pastor of Revive Church, Cincinnati. “Kirk brought incredible passion and energy as he implored the students to be part of the ‘Jesus Revolution’ that our world desperately needs,” said Hurt. “The students were actively taking notes and soaking in the messages from the gospels as Kirk spoke. The presence of God was tangible in the worship and the messages at Super Summer.”
Hurt was deeply moved by what he saw happening during the week. “As I observed our students passionately worshiping and diligently taking notes during sessions, I was filled with hope regarding the future of the Church and our SCBO churches. God is calling and raising up students to lead His Church to face the challenges presented by our current cultural complexities,” he noted.
God is calling and raising up students to lead His Church to face the challenges presented by our current cultural complexities.
“I was also burdened by the fact that there are hundreds of SCBO churches who are not yet sending student leaders to this next-level program. Pastors, would you consider visiting Super Summer during the last week of June in 2024 to see what God is doing to raise up our student leaders?”
Hurt encourages pastors and youth leaders to reach out to him with any questions about Super Summer. “Also please pray for the resources and logistics necessary to continue to expand this incredibly effective student-leadership program. May God continue to call students to Himself and to lead others.”
For more information about Super Summer Ohio, please contact Keith Hurt at

Nearly forty percent percent of Super Summer participants made spiritual decisions.