SCBO Ministry Wives: Meet Jennifer Westbrook

Hello, SCBO ministry wives. Let me introduce myself. I am Jennifer Westbrook, wife of Dr. Jeremy Westbrook, SCBO executive director. My husband and I have served in ministry since 2002. We have worked in youth ministry, college ministry, and church planting, as well as other ministries, and it has been an exciting journey with many faith moments along the way.
Throughout our ministry, there are things I treasure most. One of those is knowing that people are praying for us. I still remember moments when someone would come to me and say that they prayed for me and my family every morning. It felt like a breath of fresh air in that moment, and it was a precious gift to me.
It was in those moments that I realized that ministry is not something to tackle alone. We need each other and we need to be praying and encouraging each other. Pastor’s wife, staff wife, or woman in a ministry role, I am writing to you. I want to personally thank you for your service and everything you give every single day to your ministry and to the Lord. What you do in your ministry does not go unnoticed or unappreciated, even though it feels that way sometimes!
I want you to know that I am praying for you, and I would love to know how I can specifically lift you in prayer. I want to support and encourage you in any way I can. You are welcome to reach out to me through email Just send me a note telling me where you serve and how I can specifically pray for you. I would be thrilled to know how I can pray for you and encourage you. Thank you again for your ministry and heart for Jesus!
In Christ,
Jennifer Westbrook