SCBO Announces New Evangelism Initiative
The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio is excited to announce a new evangelism/Sunday school initiative entitled “Connect>1”. It is a call to biblical evangelism through a person-to-person, small group initiative that several state conventions are participating in.
The Connect>1 Evangelism Campaign aims to take the Gospel to every corner of our state by engaging Sunday School classes and small groups in personal evangelism. Sunday School or small groups, is the single largest organization in most churches and are an integral part to the mission of the church.
By using the church's small group organization, the church will be able to engage greater involvement in evangelism from its members than by any other means.
Bible studies by LifeWay Christian Resources will support the Connect>1 initiative's first six weeks starting in September, with the Bible Studies for Life curriculum teaching specifically on the Gospel.
Michael Kelley, LifeWay's director of groups ministry, said, "When we learned of the opportunity to align our most popular curriculum series with a strong evangelism plan, we decided God was in this and wanted to make it work.
Associated with the Connect>1 initiative is this challenge called 3151. It is an opportunity for every Ohio Baptist to do the following during the month of October:
3) Pray for three lost friends by name,
1) Learn one Gospel presentation,
5) Invite five people to your group and
1) Share the Gospel at least one time.
Imagine a plan to equip and engage every church member to be a fisher of souls. A simple plan that any follower of Christ can do. A basic plan that is organized through the church's Sunday School or small groups strategy to disciple members to become exactly what Jesus called His small group of disciples to be: soulwinners!"
The Gospel message undergirding the evangelism initiative is titled "One Great Hope." As described on the Connect>1 material, it focuses on four points of conversation -- "One Great God, One Great Problem, One Great Hope and One Great Decision" -- drawn from Romans 5:8, which states: "But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!"
So, the Bible Teaching/Leadership resource group and the Evangelism resource group have partnered together to bring this to Ohio. We are asking you to consider giving us a few minutes of your time to discuss this with you and your leadership as we move into the Fall season. We have material for you to look through upon request as well as a full presentation that could be given to your church.
Please contact us today for more details at:
Dwayne Lee – / 614-601-6824
Jack Helton – / 614-601-6881