Returning Team from Fremont, Nebraska

Here is a message from one of the chaplains that went to Fremont, Nebraska.
Thanks to all for praying.
Six of us arrived in Fremont, a suburb north west of Omaha Nebraska Sunday afternoon and joined multiple teams from Arkansas, North Carolina, Arizona, (Iowa/ Kansas/ Nebraska team) and Kentucky who had multiple volunteers. This was the beginning of our journey where a team of six had the joy of seeing six souls come to Christ.
Pictured four guys you won't often see in white suits, plus a basement filled with cornstalks and mud.
It's also not often we park our Mudout Unit in front of a house and God puts four people in our path to tell about Jesus and opens their heart to the gospel, as happened our last day. While I was around the corner with our Blue Hat presenting a Bible to a home owner, whose house we finished the day before and leading her to Christ, the neighbor came over where the team was working and Mick led him to Christ. Lawn service guy in his 20's came after lunch to mow neighbors grass. We offered him a coke and after a short conversation we led him to Christ. Earlier when we first got to the home the 80 year old retired teacher/owner and and her retired daughter dropped by. The mom introduced me to her daughter who soon realized Church attendance wasn't sufficient and prayed for her sins to be forgiven and Jesus to save her soul. The 80 year old mom shared with me the day before how four years ago she had gone to the grocery and came home to find her husband lying on the floor. At first she thought he'd fallen, then saw the shotgun laying next to him. He had committed suicide. She needed to tell me her story to which I was very willing to listen to. There is much more than physical needs a Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Team deals with on every mission trip. This was a very exhausting trip, both physically and spiritually.
One thing that stood out in conversations I had was a reference to being religious. When I quoted a favorite former Pastor and told one lady, "Religion will send you to hell," it provoked an interesting conversation. Her eyes got as big as saucers and her jaw dropped as a seriously stern questioning look came over her face. Then I told her it's all about a personal relationship with Jesus, nothing to do with sign over the Church door, then she recuperated.
Another thing that stood out, is the appreciation folks had not only for us helping with their physical needs, but that we took the time to share the gospel and explain in ways they apparently hadn't heard before.
As I talked with our other chaplain I realized how a appreciative a guy beyond retirement age and three young men in their twenties were. All expressed appreciation and thanked the chaplain that shared the gospel multiple times for telling them. One young man I talked with would not look me in the eye or say much until I finally got into a conversation and he accepted Christ. After that he looked me in the eye and all he wanted to do was talk. Told me about a TV show I needed to see etc..
I cannot begin to tell you our appreciation for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we recuperate.
Thank You,
Larry Randolph