Pre-order your VBS Materials Today

Grab your hard hat and tool belt! As kids explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion.
Get a head start on your VBS planning by pre-ordering your VBS materials from SCBO! We will mail your order to you as soon as they become available. All orders over $50 will recieve free shipping!
Download the order form and email it back to Wendy, using your church name as the file name. The order form is found at the bottom of this page.
Questions: Contact Wendy Hammock, or 614-601-6826

The VBS 2020 Directors Kit contains:
- Administrative Guide
- Decorating Made Easy
- Preschool Activity Book
- Kids Activity Book
- Preteen Activity Book (NEW!)
- One Music for Preschoolers CD
- One Music for Kids CD
- Directors Building Block Highlighter
- Directors Keychain
- Jump Start Poster
The essential items you need to plan your Concrete & Cranes Vacation Bible School are packed inside a durable tool bag.

One box gets you started with classes for babies–kindergarten! The items each age group leader needs for teaching are packaged together inside the VBS 2020 Preschool Starter Kit. Simply distribute the bags of curriculum to your age group leaders. Order an additional Leader Guide for each leader and an Activity Book for each child age three through completed kindergarten.
The VBS 2020 Preschool Starter Kit: Babies–Kindergarten contains:
- One Babies–2s Leader Guide
- One Babies–2s Leader Pack
- One Keepsake Book
- One 3s–Pre-K Leader Guide
- One 3s–Pre-K Leader Pack
- One Preschool Activity Book
- One Kindergarten Leader Guide
- One Kindergarten Leader Pack
- One Preschool Activity Book
- 3s–Kindergarten Rotation Pack
- Craft Pack Sample
Accessories & Gifts
- VBS 2020 Preschool Memory Maker Sample
- VBS 2020 Pencil
- VBS 2020 Construction Pencil Topper
- VBS 2020 Sticky Foam Shapes (one sample of each shape)
Available with digital leader guide bundle add-on for $129.99

Get all five rotations and three age groups in one box!
The items each age group leader needs to teach Bible Study and lead the rotations are packaged together by grades in the Kids Starter Kit. Simply deliver each bag to your age group or rotation leaders. Order an additional Leader Guide for each leader and an Activity Book for each child.
The VBS 2020 Kids Starter Kit: Grades 1–6 includes:
Grades 1–2
- One Grades 1–2 Bible Study Leader Guide
- One Grades 1–2 Bible Study Leader Pack
- One Kids Activity Book
Grades 3–4
- One Grades 3–4 Bible Study Leader Guide
- One Grades 3–4 Bible Study Leader Pack
- One Kids Activity Book
Grades 5–6 (Preteen)
- One VBX Preteen Bible Study Leader Guide
- One VBX Preteen Bible Study Leader Pack
- One VBX Preteen Activity Book (New!)
- Missions Rotation Leader Guide with DVD-ROM
- Music Rotation Leader Guide with DVD
- Crafts Rotation Leader Guide
- Craft Pack Samples
- Snack Rotation Recipe Cards
- Recreation Rotation Leader Cards
Accessories & Gifts
- VBS 2020 Memory Maker Sample
- VBS 2020 Pencil
- VBS 2020 Construction Pencil Topper
- VBS 2020 Craft Pack Sample
- VBS 2020 Sticky Foam Shapes (one sample of each shape)
Available with digital leader guide bundle add-on for $129.99