"Each of the resources that are provided by The 6:4 Fellowship of course is based in Scripture. We implement them in all kinds of different settings: church-wide, small groups, and retreats. They're extremely practical. People can get ahold of these things, and it helps them grow spiritually, and it helps us in our goal to see God develop within our church a dynamic culture of prayer."
Rob Jones
Pastor, Iowa
Testimony from Rob Jones Pastor Fellowship Community Church, DesMoines, Iowa
As pastors we hear a lot of things from our people that we wish we hadn’t, don’t we? But never in my years of ministry have heard the most beautiful words as I have in response to our 3-Day Prayer Summits. Like this,
“I was impacted by the bonding of believers through prayer and worship. There was no agenda. It was all spirit led! It felt like home. I didn’t want it to end.”
“I have never spent 3 days in worship and prayer in my life and now I am just trying to understand what just happened. I enjoyed the closeness of the church family and the presence of the Holy Spirit! I was able to stay focused on why we were here the whole time!”
A Prayer Summit is a gathering of believers who take the time together to seek God and His will and agenda for their lives. 3-Day Summits have been used by God to revolutionize prayer in the lives of our people and in our church as a whole. The benefits however go beyond just these, they also include…
Giving the pastor the opportunity to be “up close and personal” with his people, getting to know them better – their joys, hurts, and needs.
Giving the church family the opportunity to be “up close and personal” with their pastor, getting to know him better, his joys, hurts and needs.
Bringing people together in unity as they seek God’s face, as they confess sins, and as they pray for each other’s needs.
Building relationships as people disconnect from their busy lives and spend both an ample amount of quantity and quality time together.
Providing a concentrated place where the Holy Spirit can do His work of revival in people’s hearts and lives.
Providing an atmosphere conducive for people to grow in their prayer lives and for people to grow in their prayer leadership.
Providing the atmosphere where people can grow close to God in intimacy with Him.
We’ve often heard it said at our church from people who have never experienced a 3-Day Prayer Summit, “What am I going to talk to God about for three days?” And our response is the same every time, “You’re asking the wrong question. The real question is, What does God want to talk to me about for 3 days?” I can say with full assurance that God always has something He wants to say to us, and THAT is the power of a prayer summit.