Pastors Cast Vision for Reaching People in SW Ohio

Pastors Cast Vision for Reaching People in SW Ohio

By Reagan Wagoner, Southwest Region catalyst

Recently, I have been inspired listening to the hopes and dreams of pastors all over Cincinnati. Pastors are re-thinking how to reach people all over our region. They are not just considering how to give a strong sermon on Sunday, but also how to mobilize their people outside the church building locally and globally.

When we had the opportunity to host pastors from Florida in April, what moved me was the passion of our pastors as they shared what God is laying on their hearts. As both established pastors and church planters shared their visions and their hopes for the future of churches in southwest Ohio, I got pumped up about what God is going to do!

One place where the vision struck me was at FBC Mt. Orab where Pastor Jonathan Lawler had his staff and members ready to receive our Florida guests. We met a charter member of the church who had been attending FBC Mt. Orab since the 1950’s. The lady next to her said, “I’m new here compared to her. I’ve only been going here for around 30 years or so!” Getting to meet these ladies was a joy.

When Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Mark Marriot of FBC Mt. Orab shared their hearts, not only for reaching their community but also the rural river town of Ripley, where they sponsor a church plant, you could have heard a pin drop. Just two days later, Florida pastor Jon Matthews preached at the Ripley church plant on Sunday and four people came to know Christ. Even in this small town on the banks of the Ohio River, God is moving. Please continue to pray for God’s continued movement in Ripley!

This past month, we also got to enjoy a Reds game with our church planters here in Cincinnati. I could hardly get to my seat as planter after planter shared with me what God was doing in their churches.

Our church plants across Cincinnati have recorded the following stats for the last quarter: Average Weekly Worship Attendance: 1,860; Gospel Conversations: 540; Salvations: 69; Baptisms: 42; Intentional Discipleship Participants: 1,157; Cooperative Program Giving: $20,943; Annie Armstrong Giving: $1,464; Residency Missional Leader Participants: 7; and Residency Church Planting Participants: 44.

I am so grateful for all that God is doing so far in 2024 through our SW Ohio churches. It is obvious that you want to lead the way in furthering the Gospel. And as 55+ of us heard at Lakota Hills Church this past month from Dr. Jeremy Westbrook, our best days for reaching people here in Ohio are still ahead!

Cincinnati church planters enjoy a Reds game together.