A New Word from Our VBS Partners at LifeWay

Like I said before, I like what I’m seeing from all of our partnerships around the country. Lifeway is no exception. Their VBS team has been very helpful to Ohio and they are added it once again. They have put some things together to help our churches have a successful VBS this summer regardless of what it may look like. Here is a note I received from Melita Thomas the national VBS director for lifeway.
Hello, friends! I wanted you all to be the first to know that we have officially posted "step 1" of our plan to help churches do VBS this summer. On the VBS blog, we've outlined 4 different forms that VBS may take this summer.
We've also created a "landing page" of sorts on lifeway.com to house further updates as they roll out: https://www.lifeway.com/en/special-emphasis/4-ways-to-do-vbs-this-summer. (The blog post also links back to this page.) Our goal is to begin rolling out additional helps to this page as early as next week. There will be an FAQ as well as an "e-book" that walks churches through each of the 4 options and helps them know how to use the resources they've already purchased to do whichever option they choose.
Please help us get the word out that VBS is still on this year! And thanks for all you're doing to encourage churches in this weird season to get creative/be flexible rather than throw in the towel. I'll keep you posted as additional updates are available.
4 VBS Strategies for Such a Time as This Article
Free VBS Leader Training
No matter what it may look like, we're committed to making VBS the best yet this summer.
Because of that, we have created free digital leader training as a part of the VBS Directors Club. From crafts and snacks to Bible study, there's training for every VBS leader!
All you need to do is sign in to your Directors Club account. Then go to the "Training" tab and you'll find the training videos under "Additional Videos".
In the midst of uncertain times, we know it's more important than ever that kids learn to build on the foundation that lasts.
I don’t know about you but I think this is great news! So take advantage of the things at our disposal whether they be from our own state VBS team or if they have been shared by other state conventions or national agencies. This is a new season and a new way to collaborate together for the kingdom. Let’s stay focused and do what we can to further look gospel message.
In His Service,
Dwayne Lee
The Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group