New Partnership Provides Legal Aid for Churches

Many of you had the opportunity to hear about our new partner, the ADF Church Alliance, from Harrison Smith, Regional Director at ADF Church Alliance, at our annual meeting last November. Across the country, churches are experiencing religious liberty legal challenges. These challenges relate to the use of church facilities, gender identity laws, equal access to government grants and property, employment regulations, and more.
Your church needs to be prepared to face these, and other, religious freedom issues.
You, as a pastor or other church leader, should not have to bear this legal burden alone, and, we’ve partnered with ADF Church Alliance to address this crucial matter.
ADF Church Alliance is a membership program that provides legal help so you can freely preach and operate your church in accordance with Christian principles.
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Benefits of membership include:
✔ Religious liberty audit: ADF reviews your church’s constitution, bylaws, and policies to expose and correct areas of legal risk.
✔ Direct access to attorneys: Consult with ADF attorneys whenever you have legal questions.
✔ Resources: Access resources to help you and your congregation navigate religious liberty issues.
✔ Pro bono legal representation: ADF can represent your church in cases involving its religious freedom.
We strongly encourage you to be proactive and take advantage of this partnership by becoming a member today! Because of our partnership, you get a 20% discount on this already affordable program (use promo code SCBO20 when you apply).
If you would like to speak with Harrison to learn more, you can contact him at or 404-556-7230.