Mission Team Labors For the Lord in Scioto Valley Association

Churches in Scioto Valley Association have been busy laboring for the Lord this summer. Recently, a mission team from Journey Fellowship Church in Carrollton, GA, ventured north to assist churches in the association with multiple ministry projects. They also brought eighty-eight backpacks that they collected at Journey Fellowship for distribution in Scioto Valley Association.
During their time in Ohio the mission team assisted First Baptist Church Logan with Vacation Bible School (VBS), as well as distribution of a church information flier.
Their work at Grace Baptist Church, Wellston included door-to-door evangelism and distributing VBS invitations, as well as praying over local schools. In addition, they helped Countryside Baptist Church with a food and clothing ministry give-away. Most importantly, people made decisions for Christ, built relationships, and accomplished ministry because of these combined efforts.
If your church needs ministry and mission assistance but does not have enough manpower to make it happen on your own, contact Jack Helton at jhelton@scbo.org to see if we can assist you in securing a mission team to help you and your church impact your community for Christ.