Midwest Advance 2018 Registration Occurs in October

Invitations are being extended through associational leaders for the Midwest Leadership Advance 2018 Summit which will be held at the Crowne Plaza, 3000 S Dirksen Pkyw, Springfield, IL, from Tuesday evening, January 23, to 11:30 A.M., Thursday, January 25, 2018. NAMB, GuideStone, WMU, LifeWay, and 10 state conventions partner together to provide this triennial event which is one of the best trainings in the nation.
General session speakers include Frank Paige, Darryl Gaddy, and Kevin Ezell. There will be 52 conference leaders for 114 breakout conferences held in 6 breakout sessions. Conference recommendations are made in six tracks: Church Planting/Revitalization, Organizational Leadership, Current Topics, Spiritual Formation, Evangelism/Discipleship, Specialized Ministries, and Hispanic. See the Advance 2018 website for a full list by tracks and more detail: https://mwadvance.org/conferences/. Participants may follow the tracks or jump tracks, but it is recommended that participants from an association go to different conferences and share their gleanings with others from their region.
Registration for the conference is due by November 1, 2017. There is a registration fee of $50.00 per person. That $50.00 will be returned to each participant and available for meal expenses or help with travel costs when he or she registers at the conference. SCBO, NAMB, and LifeWay cover the cost of the conference and two nights’ lodging at the Wingate which is one block south of the conference location.
For more information contact the associational leader or contact Bruce Smith.