Messengers Celebrate God’s Work during SCBO Annual Celebration

By Stephanie Heading, Ohio Baptist Messenger, managing editor
Over 330 messengers, guests, and exhibitors from across Ohio gathered at Jersey Church in New Albany, Ohio for the 2024 State Convention of Baptists in Ohio (SCBO) Annual Celebration, November 11-12.
The Annual Meeting celebrated God’s work in Ohio as well as cast vision for the future as SCBO Executive Director-Treasurer Dr. Jeremy Westbrook and the SCBO staff recounted multiple ways the Lord is blessing His work throughout the state.
Abundant Blessings
“The highlight of our Annual Meeting was hearing reports of increased giving to the Cooperative Program, a 96% increase in baptisms over the past two years, and 41 new churches in the state convention this year--28 plants, five replants, and eight new affiliations through our SEND Ohio partnership,” Dr. Westbrook said.
As messengers celebrated God’s work in Ohio, the Worship Team from Lifepoint Church, Mount Vernon, led attendees in praise and worship.
Dr. Westbrook delivered his fourth Executive Director’s Report since assuming the position in August 2021.
“God is at work in our state. He’s at work in our midst,” Westbrook shared. “This is a time to praise the Lord.”
He also urged Ohio Baptists to catch the vision for Ohio through the local church. “I want to see an awakening in the Buckeye State. We serve faithfully and best when we serve the local church. How are you leading your local church? What’s your vision?”
Dr. Westbrook also highlighted Worship 4:24. “This year was the highest year in attendance. God is moving and he is working our midst,” he said.
God is also moving in Next Generation ministry through events like Super Summer Ohio. “There’s a spark among the next generation,” Dr. Westbrook said. “We must be a part of that.”
Ryan Jones, Send Network Ohio, celebrated the growth of church planting and replanting throughout Ohio this year. “We are very thankful for our partnership with SCBO,” Jones said.
He rejoiced at the wide range of churches being planted across the Buckeye State. “When you look at the list of the churches we’ve planted in Ohio this year, you see the Kingdom.” Send Ohio has planted ethnic churches, African-American churches, as well as multiplying churches in 2024.
SCBO Revitalization Catalyst Mark Jones explained the need for healthy churches to come alongside struggling churches and foster the weaker back to health. “If we work together, stronger churches with struggling churches, we are going to see a move of God.”
Reggie Hayes, SCBO Senior Staff, celebrated the fifth anniversary of CampUCAN and the Lord’s work among urban young men in Ohio. In 2024, 95 young men attended CampUCan and 65 of them accepted Christ as their Savior. In addition, 28 were baptized at camp.
“Mentors preach the gospel and when we see a movement of God happen and see young men give their lives to Jesus, we know God is in the blessing business,” Hayes proclaimed.
In the past five years, 190 CampUCAN attendees have accepted Jesus.
Dr. John Heading, director, Ohio Disaster Relief, reported a record year for disaster deployments in Ohio. “Ohio DR deployed 31 times this year with 12 deployments just in the month of October,” he said.
Powerful Preaching
SCBO President, Adam Pursel, pastor, Lifepoint Church, Mount Vernon delivered the President’s Address from John 7:37-39, reminding messengers that God is not done saving the lost.
“Is God done saving sinners in your city? Some of you, if we were to observe your church, would say the answer is yes.”
“Is God done saving sinners in your city? Some of you, if we were to observe your church, would say the answer is yes.”
Pastor Frederick Clement, One Love Community Church, Dayton, brought the Annual Sermon. He urged pastors to focus on “The Most Important Task,” preaching the Word of God. Using 2 Timothy 4:1-5, he challenged them to preach the word with consistency, with conviction, with patience and with conscientiousness.
“Be sober minded,” Clement said. “Stay focused on the great call of the word of God. Feed God’s sheep. Endure suffering. Endure in the call to pastor a church. Take comfort in knowing it’s hard for all of us.”
Orderly Business
Messengers approved a Cooperative Program Budget of $4,848,000 and continued a 50/50 split between SCBO and the SBC. The budget was increased one percent from last year.
“Since our beginning in 1954, Ohio Baptists have given over $183,000,000 to missions through the Cooperative Program to not only reach the neighborhoods around Ohio, but the nations around the world,”
“Since our beginning in 1954, Ohio Baptists have given over $183,000,000 to missions through the Cooperative Program to not only reach the neighborhoods around Ohio, but the nations around the world,” Dr. Westbrook said.
In addition, messengers unanimously approved a resolution “On the Lordship of Christ Over All Political Powers” as well as a constitution and by-law amendment that removed the position of Historical Secretary from the officers of SCBO.
Messengers reelected SCBO President Adam Pursel, Lifepoint Church, Mount Vernon; First Vice President, Pastor Dave Welsch, First Baptist Church, Heath, and Pastor Karlie Hale, One Love Community Church, Cleveland, were reelected to their positions for a second year without objection.
Messengers also elected Charity Betts, First Baptist Church, New Lebanon, to her first term as Recording Secretary, replacing Mary Leigh Snowden who retired. Kay Arnold, First Baptist Church, Lancaster, was elected to her first term as Assistant Recording Secretary.
The 2025 SCBO Annual Celebration will be held at Lifepoint Church, Mt. Vernon, November 10-11, 2025.

Attendees at the Annual Celebration enjoyed worship led by The Worship Team from Lifepoint Church, Mount Vernon. Photo by AJ Frasure.

Messengers reelected SCBO President Adam Pursel; First Vice President, Pastor Dave Welsch, and Pastor Karlie Hale. Mary Leigh Snowden retired from the office of Recording Secretary and Charity Betts was elected to her first term as Recording Secretary, and Kay Arnold, First Baptist Church, Lancaster, (not pictured) was elected to her first term as Assistant Recording Secretary. Photo by AJ Frasure.

Over 300 messengers, guests and exhibitors attended the 2024 SCBO Annual Meeting. Photo by AJ Frasure.