The Lord “Shows Up and Shows Out” at Women’s Spring Retreat

Pictured left to right: Joanne Hopkins and Debbie Williams; Jennifer Westbrook, Jean DiFilippo, Jody Jones, and Tara Lawler; Ohio women praying; Nita Kline, Mary Ann Sablan, Anna Andes, and Ginny Howell.
By Cathy Pound
“Thank you, Lord. You showed up and You showed out,” said Cathy Pound, SCBO Executive Director of WMU, rejoicing after the recent 2022 Women’s Spring Retreat hosted by First Baptist Church, Lancaster.
Women from twenty-three churches attended the one-day event and heard Dr. Kay Bennett, Send Relief NAMB missionary and director of Friendship House in New Orleans, speak in context with the theme scripture, Isaiah 61:1-3. Bennett shared examples of God’s redemptive power meeting physical, emotional, and most importantly spiritual needs for the homeless and those who are victims of human trafficking.
Kay’s precious gems of wisdom and sense of humor, plus the quick wit of Marisol Fernandez who translated for Hispanic attendees, permeated the darkness and the heaviness to prove Kay’s declaration that 'God will show up and show out today.'" said Pound. "Over and over the stories began with ashes that the Spirit transformed into beauty as God worked through Friendship House."
Bennett also shared that her own personal frustration in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was also a transformation from ashes to beauty. “Overwhelmed with massive needs, Kay faced a temptation to give up,” said Pound. “God revealed His simple plan that is now Kay’s go-to mission plan.” Bennett heard the Lord tell her to start with Friendship House and rebuild one life at a time. “I AM in control,” the Lord told her.
“God showed up and showed out with his redemptive power in action,” said Pound. Ladies from Frankfort Baptist Church had been sharing and praying for Sharon Hammond for a long time. “Sharon experienced God’s love and she was transformed from ashes to beauty when she surrendered her life to Christ.”
The Women’s Fall Retreat and Mission Celebration is set for September 10 in Cincinnati. More information will be coming soon.

Kay Bennett speaking at Women’s Spring Retreat.