"Lead Your Group" a New Practical Guidebook

My role in the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio has afforded me the privilege of getting to know other state convention leaders in the Sunday School/Small Group area. As we have the opportunity to talk with one another, we find that many of our trials and victories are the same. Many of the situations we deal with in our churches are the same.
Therefore, we are constantly looking for materials and resources to share with those who are looking for ways to accelerate their groups forward. As a result, we were compelled to collaborate, using our resources and combined experiences, to write a practical guide for our Pastors, Ministers of Education and Sunday School Directors to use to train adult leaders or potential leaders.
This guide is entitled, “Lead Your Group”. It is designed for those currently participating in a group setting, or prayerfully considering it. The guide consists of eight chapters designed to give you a concise look into the heart and mind of a group leader.
• Chapter one gives you an overview of leadership and what fundamental characteristics are found in a leader.
• Chapter two helps you to understand that you need to lead with a clear vision.
• Chapter three shows you that being a leader takes a fresh walk with God.
• Chapter four shows you how to have measurable growth.
• Chapter five shares with you how to make your learning experiences impactful.
• Chapter six challenges you to reach for disciples.
• Chapter seven shows you the shepherding side of leading and how to bring others along with you.
• Chapter eight shows you the importance and benefit of multiplying groups.
We are very excited to share this resource with our churches and leaders across our state. To receive a copy of the material or to have this taught in your church please contact either Dwayne Lee at 614-601-6824 or dlee@scbo.org; or Wendy Hammock at 614-601-6826 or wehammock@scbo.org.