Invitation Draws Many to Easter Services
Our Easter Big Invite Ohio Initiative was a huge success. More than 125 churches participated. More than 200,000 post cards were mailed and more than 175,000 door hangers hung. Of the churches that have responded to me personally, almost all of them experienced higher attendance, more visitors present, and a renewed commitment of excitement for the members of their congregations! Multiple churches reported doubled attendance from a normal Sunday, and several said they almost reached that mark. Nearly every church that reported back to me either had someone saved, someone rededicating their life, or someone coming for prayer for specific needs.
I wanted to say a hearty "Thank You" to every church that participated! I'm also thankful for those pastors that have sent me ideas on how we might improve on the Big Invite Initiative if we do it again in 2019. If you have suggestion or ideas make sure to email me at!
In closing let me remind everyone that God honors any work that we undertake for His glory! I'm sure there were some bumps in the road, some pot holes to avoid, and some snow to be shoveled (literally)! Yet, despite some stress and struggles, unbelievers visited, the Gospel was preached, seeds were planted, souls were saved, relationships were built, and only eternity will reveal how it all came together to impact the Kingdom!