HOW TO: Preparing to Deploy with Ohio Disaster Relief

By Stephanie Heading
With the click of a button, Ohio Disaster Relief (DR) offers a simple, streamlined path to becoming credentialed to serve in disaster zones.
“DR credentials represent trained, background-checked volunteers. They let other agencies know that you have prepared to be on a disaster site,” said Dr. John Heading, Ohio DR director. “When you show up at a disaster, the DR identification badge shows that you are authorized to be there.”
Training for Disaster Relief involves two components. The first step is the credentialing process, completed online. The second is the unit training, completed in person. The entire process takes three to four hours.
To start the credentialing process, visit and pay the forty-dollar training fee. This fee covers online training, background checking, and unit training.
Next, watch five DR training videos for DR 101 and Evangelism 101. After completing the videos, take a short, online quiz covering the information in the videos.
Finally, complete the forms found at the bottom of the DR web page and email the forms and a photo to the address online. Unit training will follow at a DR training event or on a deployment in the field.
For more information about training to deploy with Ohio DR, please visit or contact John Heading at

Safety is paramount for workers entering disaster zones.

Supplies being prepared for delivery to hurricane victims.

DR Chaplains present homeowner with a bible.

A Disaster Relief Chainsaw Unit works to clear downed trees.