Getting Ready for the Next Guy

New and Improved Transitional Pastor Training:
Getting Ready for the Next Guy
Thursday, October 22, 9 am - 5 pm
Springboro Baptist Church 125 E Mill St, Springboro
Transition …interim …between …change …what’s next? …who’s next?
A transitional pastor is a very intentional way of leading a church family to navigate the whitewater of a pastor transition. The church without an under-shepherd (1 Peter 5:4) can be very vulnerable. The average time between pastors is between 9 and 18 months. Much can happen during that time to affect the church either positively or negatively. A church’s identity can be challenged; identity clarity is essential as they seek God’s man to lead them.
Often the church sees the time between pastors as a “hold things together, keep things going” period. Some people approach the time as a “wait and see” period. However, with effective leadership, the time can be productive — a time of growth spiritually, sending roots deep into His word and presence. Consistency in the pulpit will help steady the congregation during the uncertain days without a pastor.
A transitional pastor will help the church seek Him as they seek His man to be the next pastor. It is a time to refocus the mission of the church. The transitional pastor’s primary task is to prepare the people for the next pastor and the changes that will inevitably come with him.
Our next transitional pastor training will be Thursday, October 22, 9 am – 5 pm. Springboro Baptist Church (125 E Mill St, Springboro) will host the event. Chuck Deglow will be lead facilitator for the new and improved training. Cost will be $10.00 which includes lunch and materials. If you have been through the transitional pastor training before, please feel free to come and see what’s new! Go HERE to register.
Join us as we learn how to help churches navigate through the whitewater of a pastor transition!
- The stages through which each church will progress during the interim period
- Guiding the congregation through a review of their ministry effectiveness based upon historic trends in attendance, giving, baptisms, etc.
- Introducing the congregation to relevant current demographics and trends that indicate ministry opportunity
- Selecting and training a pastor search team
- Resources available: books, surveys, demographic sources, websites, etc.