Galactic Starveyors: God is Over the Moon

By: Rachel Carter, North Eaton Baptist
In January, the state VBS (Vacation Bible School) team traveled to Ridgecrest North Carolina to attend training provided by LifeWay Specialists. During these three days, we were able to see first hand how this summer's VBS curriculum is geared to teach students about the God of the Galaxy.
This summer during Bible study, we will see that God rules through His creation, but unfortunately we sinned and ruined our relationship; however, our amazing God provided a plan and Jesus fulfilled that plan through his death. On the last day, the children will come to understand that everyone must choose to follow Christ; just as Jesus said: “Peter, do you love Me?”
The great part about VBS is that the Galactic Starveyors theme will be carried into all areas, such as: crafts, missions, recreation, and music. During craft time, the kids will create mementos that will remind them of the various aspects of creation and the Bible stories. During music time, the songs will encourage the kids to praise, sing, and dance all while singing about God being over the moon, His creation of the stars, and the effects of sin. Kids will enjoy the challenging games at recreation, as well as, learning about our two missionaries featured in Missions this year.
The state VBS team has come back excited about what God has done and is going to do in your church this summer through VBS. We are looking forward to sharing all that we have learned at our state Vacation Bible School Institute on Saturday, March 4th at Violet Baptist Church. This one day event will prepare your teachers, directors, and pastors with the knowledge and resources available from LifeWay regarding Galactic Starveyors.
We encourage you to bring your whole team and attend core classes for each aspect of VBS such as Bible Study, Crafts, Missions, Music, Decorations, and Recreation. During this training, you and your team will also be given the opportunity to attend two supplemental breakouts of your choice that will be beneficial to all areas of children’s ministry. To end our day together, you and your team won’t want to miss our Family Fun Night Rally. We will be giving away prizes, playing games and sharing what is possible with a Galactic Starveyors Event. A LifeWay bookstore will be available.
Don't delay: Register Today! God is Over the Moon and We are Over the Moon about Galactic Starveyors.