Forty Compassion Projects Set for Serve Tour Dayton October 7-8

Serve Tour Dayton is just over one month away on October 7-8. It is an initiative to bless the Dayton region while sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Project organizers have asked non-profits, including schools, churches, and local government leaders, to submit potential projects that Send Relief, the compassion ministry arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) will fund, and Southern Baptist volunteers will complete during the two-day event.
At those initial meetings with organizational leaders, “What’s the catch?” was the first question they asked. As members of the organizing team worked to assess needs, they asked, “If you had a little bit of help and a little more funding, what would you do?”
At first, their thoughts went to small projects because, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” But after challenging them to “think bigger” and assuring them that Southern Baptists are coming to bless them without asking for anything in return, they began stretching their imaginations.
As a result, Serve Tour Dayton has almost forty projects planned for the second weekend in October.
One urban school project involves working to change the school’s culture. Their goal is to create an area in their building where school spirit attire, classroom supplies, general hygiene products and other items will be available for students who need them.
Other projects include creating opportunities for students to learn sustainable farming, deploying a mobile medical clinic, winterizing homes for children with medical needs, and honoring military, local police, and fire personal during an outreach event.
Send Relief covers the funding; you cover the volunteering. To complete forty projects and bless Dayton will require one thousand Southern Baptists from Ohio and surrounding states participating in Serve Tour Dayton.
If you can give a day or two on October 7 - 8, 2022, go to https:// dayton/ for more information. On Monday, August 29, all Serve Tour Dayton projects will go live online, and you can sign up for a specific project of your choosing.
This is an historic opportunity to take compassion ministry outside the church and into the streets. Join us as we share the love and hope of Jesus in the Dayton area. For specific questions about Serve Tour Dayton, contact John Heading at