First Joseph Council Call to Prayer set for Good Friday, April 10 — 3 pm

The Joseph Council, a project of the Citizens for Community Values issued a Call to Prayer for all followers of Jesus across Ohio. "Social distancing" must not keep us from our Lord's command to pray together. The first weekly prayer call will be Good Friday, April 10, at 3 pm. Gary Frost, associational leader for Steel Valley Baptist Association and the national director of March for Jesus will lead the one hour call. Rafael Cruz, Jr., pastor Unity Baptist Church, Youngstown will also lead a segment of the prayer gathering.
The theme for this first call will follow 2 Chronicles 7:14 and include a remembrance of Jesus' death on the cross on Good Friday.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
There are two ways to join the call Friday. You may join by webcast or Facebook. Click the link of your choice:
There are several ways to join the prayer efforts:
Daily 7:14 Prayer — Every day at 7:14 am and 7:14 pm pause and pray 2 Chronicles 7:14. The "If7:14" prayer app is available at
United Daily Prayer — A daily prayer guide is available for daily prayer focus groups, including those who are working to protect us during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fasting — Individuals, families, and churches are encouraged to practice the discipline of fasting. Some have chosen to fast from 7:14 am - 7:14 pm each Friday. Ohio Baptists are joining for the First Friday Fast 2020 initiative. (