First Baptist Miamisburg Seeks Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church of Miamisburg is searching for a senior/lead pastor. Candidates should have an appropriate undergraduate and graduate degree (preferred) from an accredited Bible college or university. Experience in church leadership, Bible teaching, and strong interpersonal skills are essential. The church is a firmly established member of the Southern Baptist Convention, the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio, and the Greater Dayton Association of Baptists and desires applicants who will share those partnerships. FBC Miamisburg is located in the heart of the Miamisburg neighborhoods-surrounded by homes, schools, and businesses. They are looking for a shepherd with a heart for the lost who will model a commitment to prayer and intercession on behalf of the congregation, the community, and the lost.
They are seeking someone who will work to empower church members to lead in Sunday School for all ages, will support the Awana and Upwards outreach programs, and will encourage members to daily show the love of Christ to world. The church actively supports the SBC Cooperative Program with its prayers and its finances, as well as other individual missions that God has laid upon our hearts.
A member of the search committee said, “We know we are not perfect, but we daily strive to serve a perfect Savior and are looking for someone to provide Spirit-inspired love and leadership as we seek to serve God.”
Resumes should be sent to or to Pastor Search Committee, FBC Miamisburg, 323 N. 11th St., Miamisburg, OH 45432. Please include the following with the resume: family information (wife and children), salary requirements (parsonage is available), up to five relevant references, college transcripts, a brief description of experience, any links to online sermons, a statement of faith, a description of your salvation experience, and the reason you believe God is calling you to Miamisburg.