Concrete and Cranes VBS Ohio 2020 Update

You remember the story from Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities and how the novel started, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Well it sort of feels that way. We are certainly living in unprecedented times because for the most of us we have never experienced anything like this before. And yet we are called to be a people of faith and not fear. So my prayer is that you and your family are expressing your faith to those around you the best way you can even in spite of this current season.
Social media is being used by practically everyone at this moment. It is probably being used more than ever before. Every one of us are learning things and becoming better at using various platforms to share an encouraging word or to give out a bit of information. So I hope this brief article will help you as you help us share this message with others.
Recently, the Bible Teaching/ Leadership Resource Group concluded the best way for us to help our churches prepare for what we believe to be a fully-functioning summer, would be to produce a video training series. This series would include most, if not all, of the core training sessions for this year’s vacation Bible school theme: Concrete and Cranes!
Therefore, by the time you read this article, simply know that our VBS team is working on ways to make that happen in a timely manner. We believe over the next 30 days we will be able to capture these sessions on video and upload them to our webpage for your viewing. This means we are looking at the 1st of May to have everything completed. Please pray for us as we try to make this happen during the month of April.
One of the other things that we would like to offer is a webinar with Steve Hopkins as he prepares us for the National Day of Prayer for Vacation Bible School which is on May 17th. The date and time will be determined in the near future and forwarded to you as soon as possible.
In closing, remember we are trying to do the very best we can with what we have. I leave you with the verse that has been selected for this year’s theme, it is Philippians 1:6, “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” So as you and I remain confident in Christ we will get through this season of life and I pray that we will be stronger for it!
Blessings to you and all who read this article. May Christ be glorified and the body edified and may the lost see there is hope in Christ!
In His Service,
Dwayne Lee