Chaplains Returning from Louisiana - Update

A message from our returning chaplains from Zachary, Louisiana:
It was an incredible ten days, but Mike and I are back home. Linda and Paulette are still there, so keep praying for them along with our Mudout Team who is there working in some very hot Humid conditions and will be arriving home this Sunday.
Mike and I got to experience TWELVE people praying to receive Jesus as their Savior. We also had what I would consider crisis Interventions with twelve people and was able to encourage several others. People stopping us in the street as we came out of restaurants and when we stopped at McDonald's during one of several rain storms. One lady told us the water was chest high when the boat came to rescue her. Listened to her story for 30 to 40 minutes while standing on the side walk, then she gave me a heavenly hug and thanked me. Many of those we talked with were taken to safety in boats.
Then on the Salvation side, we stopped in McDonald's while a rain storm passed. We met an insurance adjuster and pastor that was interested in seeing the Evange Cube. As we sat with him having a hot fudge sundae and a cup of coffee, a young man named Steve was mopping the floor nearby, so I ask Steve to join us and I would show it to both of them at the same time. After hearing the gospel Steve prayed and ask Jesus to be his Savior. God is so good! I believe nine of the twelve who professed Jesus as Savior were over 50. Most in 60's and 70's and a man and wife probably in their 80's.
In addition to all the above Mike and I got to help the I.C Team pack 150 x 5gal buckets with basic supplies, vacuum the foyer & gym and assembled 3 wheelbarrows. Now I cannot imagine anywhere else we could've gone and come close to having that much fun.
Thanks again for being a vital part of the team.
God bless,