Challenge '21: Praying for Revival in August
Challenge ’21: Praying for Revival
“Revival is ultimately Christ Himself, seen, felt, heard, living, active moving in and through His body on earth.” — Stephen Olford (Henderson, Old Paths, New Power, p. 221)
SCBO President Reginald Hayes continues to challenge Ohio Baptists to pray from Daniel 11:32 “the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.” Churches across Cincinnati have been meeting together for months, praying for revival. Shine the Light city-wide revival services are scheduled August 28 – September 1 at various churches. You can find details on locations and times HERE.
Our Challenge ’21 initiative for August is to join those praying for revival. Would you consider setting aside time in the next 21-days to pray for revival? You may join others doing a Daniel fast August 12-September 1, setting aside breakfast to pray for revival. Jeremy Fryer has challenged those in Cincinnati to pray through the 21 chapters of John as they seek revival. (See links below for more information about the revival plans.)
Henry Blackaby asks the question, “If revival in America depended on your prayer life, would there be revival? If you have to say, ‘not my prayer life,’ then you must change your prayer life. To have a renewed prayer life is a simple matter of personal choice.” (The Solomon Promise, p. 26)
Blackaby continues:
“I believe there will be no revival without holiness in the leadership. None. Cry unto God all you want. He will not hear you. Pull together all the phrases that revivalists of previous generations have used, and it will not make an ounce of difference to the heart of God. God is looking for holiness!” (p. 72)
There are several great resources available to help you pray and fast for revival. Here are a couple of suggestions (More available at
For up-to-date information, follow the revival at Shine the Light Revival Ministries
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Instagram @shine_the_light_ministries