Celebrate to Motivate

It has been my joy to serve as president of the SCBO since elected in November, and I am excited about the possibilities before us! Serving as a Vice President for a couple years prior helped me realize that so much incredible ministry happens around our state that I simply did not know about. The joy of learning about these effective ministries far outweighed the difficult situations pastors would share or the challenges set before the Mission Council.
I also know, though, that the difficulties can dominate our time and that our hearts can be so easily inclined toward negativity.
This is why we must celebrate all the Lord is doing around Ohio. It has motivated me to hear about churches going multi-campus, churches successfully navigating through revitalization situations, a basketball camp starting this summer to reach urban boys, pastors serving in the same ministry for 25 years, churches sending mission teams internationally, strong evangelistic emphases with the 3 Circles tool, and more.
How can you celebrate to motivate?
• Listen to the SCBgO podcast (reachohio.blubrry.net). It exists to celebrate God’s activity in Ohio to motivate you!
• Attend one of the six Encouragement Tour gatherings happening around the state (https://www.scbo.org/event/listening-leaders-encouragement-tour). You’ll be able to talk about and listen to what is happening in the SCBO.
• Encourage the leaders around you. Maybe through associational gatherings, or you initiating fellowship with those near you--gather together and encourage each other.
• Share testimonies on social media.
• Choose to dwell on the blessings, not the afflictions.
We have much to celebrate and much to do--let’s stay faithful!

Ryan Strother, SCBO President