Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Ohio Coordinator

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Ohio Coordinator

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's Church Ministry department has a new resource in Ohio to support local pastors. Christi Hall is one of two Ohio State Coordinators committed to lifting you, your family, your staff, and your congregation in prayer. Christi covers the west side of the state from with her territories broken out by congressional districts 1,2,4,5,8,10,15 and the lower ½ of district 16. The other Ohio Coordinator is currently in the process of being hired.

Her role is to encourage you, pray for you and to provide access to BGEA resources (if needed). Some of those free resources are items such as discipleship studies, new believer’s next steps, DVD’s, and more that can be used by your staff, leadership teams, small groups or entire congregation. The BGEA Church Ministry Team wants to support you and encourage pastors and church leaders in any way we can to continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple new believers.

Christi is meeting with key leaders and individual pastors across the state as a representative of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. She would love to meet with you for a brief 15-20 minutes simply to hear about what the Lord is doing in your church, what challenges you may be experiencing and offer you support and commitment to pray for you on behalf of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Christi’s contact information is below and she looks forward to getting to know you and how God is using you, in the meantime, she will be lifting you, your family, your staff, and your congregation in prayer.

Christi Hall
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Ohio State Coordinator
TEL: 513-696-6212

Christi Hall