The Alaska Adventure of Leading Like Jesus

Continuing our partnership with the Alaska Baptist Convention (ABC) Church Development group, the Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group assembled a team of six, led by Dwayne Lee, to lead Sunday School leader training in Alaska November 10-14.
Alaska is beautiful! As quickly as the team fell in love with the landscape, we also fell in love with the people and churches. It was exciting to share with church leaders what it means to Lead Like Jesus. In Anchorage, Fairbanks, Palmer and Wasilla, our team facilitated discussions about leading with the heart, head, hands, and habits of Jesus. Preschool, children, student, adult leaders, Sunday School directors and pastors heard again Mark 3:13-15, how we are called to intimacy with Jesus. Our relationship with Him, leads us to be on mission with Him, and know spiritual authority that comes only from Him. As we went from church to church, we were reminded to live our lives in alignment with Him. If our heart is not right, we will not lead like Jesus.

University Baptist, Fairbanks

Cross Country Church
In six days God captured our hearts and reminded us that He is always at work and we need to stay connected with Him. It was a time of “mutual encouragement” (Romans 1:12) as we shared with Alaska Baptists how we can discover what God is doing and where He is at work.
Jimmy Stewart (Evangelism and Church Development, ABC) shared the challenge pastors and leaders face for fellowship, encouragement, and training because of the long distance between churches. Alaska Baptists number a little over 100 churches in the vast territory, much of it very remote. It is easy to become isolated, which can lead to discouragement.
Randy Covington (Executive Director, ABC) shared with the team what it was like to homestead in Alaska. Covington has returned from serving with the International Mission Board to lead his home state in cooperative mission efforts. He shared the “hedges” initiative, based on Luke 14:23. Churches along the “highways” are encouraged to adopt remote villages with no gospel witness. It was exciting to hear Pastor Paul Folk and his wife, Corey, talk about the rural communities Big Lake Baptist has adopted. Members are making regular visits to the remote locations, taking school supplies to children, building relationships, looking for open doors for the gospel.

Big Lake Baptist

Cross Country Church
The team included Lori Wilson (Violet Baptist) preschool; Rachel Carter (North Eaton Baptist) children; Keith Hurt (Violet Baptist) students; Dwayne and Jackie Lee (SCBO, North Fairfield) adults and worship; and Steve Hopkins (SCBO) pastors and directors.
Thank you for giving to the Cooperative Program so that we can be on mission, partnering with churches in Alaska for the sake of the gospel.

Greater Friendship Baptist