30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World April 24-May 23

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World April 24-May 23

Christians Learning about and Praying for our World's Muslim Neighbors

Jesus is on the move in the Muslim World. According to PrayerCast.com, more Muslims have turned to follow Jesus in the past 15 years than in the previous 1400 years combined! However, 1.8 billion Muslims are still living without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The important Islamic month of religious observation—Ramadan—is a time when Muslims are deeply aware of spiritual matters. Will you join with others in praying that Jesus reveals Himself to many Muslims during this period?

It is easy to assume that all Muslims are just like the ones we know where we live, or just like the ones we read about or see on the news. But different ideas have influenced Muslim cultures, and there are different ideas about what it means to be a Muslim. The 2020 edition of the Muslim World Prayer Guide explores diversity among Muslim people, that will encourage and equip you to pray with fresh insight for them.

The 30-day prayer guide is available at worldchristian.com or waymakers.org. It is available in the print version, PDF, and in 30+ languages. (see pray30days.org for available languages) Another excellent resource for this time is the videos at prayercast.com.

Individuals and families will be challenged to embrace sacrifice as their daily offering to God. It is through offering ourselves that we mirror the nature of the Father who gave His only Son to be crucified, and the nature of the Son who gave His very life to save sinners. Through this book readers will discover that their sacrifice can lead others, across the street and across the oceans, to discover new resurrection life in Christ.

I highly recommend The Insanity of Sacrifice by Nik Ripken. Ripken is the world’s leading expert on the persecuted church, especially in Muslim contexts. He is a missions veteran of 36 years, having served primarily in North Africa and the Middle East. Nik is the bestselling author of The Insanity of God and The Insanity of Obedience. He and his wife Ruth have conducted extensive research in approximately 72 countries with believers in persecution including how they view suffering through a Biblical lens.

Steve Hopkins
Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group