2018 Bible Drill Participants Are All Winners!

Pictured above: State Bible Drill Participants, including Children's Drillers James Burke and Noelle Cozmyk (Pleasant Valley); Austin Bauer, Justin Bauer, Zeb Prince, Phoebe Savage, Joelle Reed, Arianna Velderrain, Noah Rolston, Zachary Fannin (RBC); and Emily Bonifield (FBK).
A small, yet dedicated, group of young people participated in the State Bible Drills at Reynoldsburg Baptist Church (RBC) on Saturday, May 5.
Eleven 4th - 6th graders competed in the Children’s Drill, resulting in one Associational winner, nine State winners and one State Winner Perfect, Austin Bauer of RBC.
In the Youth Drill, Samuel Mosher of First Baptist Kettering (FBK) finished in first place, followed closely by Kasi Reed (RBC), Ksena Reed (RBC) and Matthew Bonifield (FBK).

Youth pictured L-R: Ksena Reed, RBC; Kasi Reed, RBC; Matthew Bonifield, FBK; Samuel Mosher, FBK.

High School pictured L-R: Elizabeth Allen, RBC; Elizabeth Kastelein, Pleasant Valley, 9 Year State Bible Drill Winner; Devonae Morgan, FBK; Danny Morgan, FBK.
Four 10th - 12th graders competed in the High School Drill, with Elizabeth Kastelein (Pleasant Valley) finishing first and Elizabeth Allen (RBC) second. Danny Morgan (FBK) and Devonae Morgan (FBK) rounded out the State winners.
Elizabeth Kastelein finished her stellar Bible Drill career with another State Winner Perfect designation. She has participated in Bible Drill for nine years – 4th through 12th grade – and represented the state of Ohio at the National Bible Drill in both the youth and high school divisions.
Kasi Reed and Devonae Morgan will represent Ohio at the National Bible Drill Tournament June 14 in Stone Mountain GA.
Cash prizes are awarded in both the Youth and High School Drills. Amounts vary due to donation amounts. This year, nearly $1500 was awarded to the youth and high school winners.
For more information about starting Bible Drill at your church, please contact Kimberly Jackson Kubik, (author of this article) at kimberly@kubikbooks.com.