Led by Luke Francis, this one day workshop is tailored for Executive Pastors, Associate Pastors, and other key leaders who are charged with the implementation and integration of their church’s mission and vision. Through a one-day workshop built around a discussion, reflection, and action, leaders will gain a clarified understanding of the unique calling as a second chair leader, robust framework for leading within the leadership landscape of their local church cand team, and encouragement from other like-minded and gifted ministry leaders. If you’re looking to explore or cultivate your distinct second chair leadership toolbox this one day workshop is for you.
NOTE: This Special Event is limited to the first 25 who register...

Utilizing his second chair gifting Luke serves as the Executive Pastor for First Light Church in Vandalia, Ohio. Drawing from a depth of experiences serving churches across size and life cycle stages, Luke is passionate about investing time with teams as they navigate through seasons of transition and renewal in pursuit of God’s better future. Over the last decade, Luke has acted as a trusted coach to senior teams and leaders as they grow in their leadership for the next season’s challenge.
Luke’s steady and quiet influence as a strategic shepherd can be found behind many of today’s leading church planting expressions across North America. He holds degrees from The Ohio State University, Ohio University, and Wheaton College, as well as advanced certifications from The Paterson Center, The Table Group, and ProSci.