NOTE: Tickets available only at the door on event day.

-God is moving around our state and nation. How can we join Him?
We invite pastors and prayer leaders to five prayer gatherings as we cry out for God’s manifest presence across Ohio and beyond.
Bill Elliff, founding and National Engage Pastor of The Summit Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, will guide the Prayer Gathering. Each event will include a brief presentation highlighting the scriptural connection of prayer and revival, followed by a guided prayer session and time for individual prayer. Elliff serves as the Pastor/Church Director for OneCry! A Nationwide Call for Spiritual Awakening. He is also a national leader for the 6:4 Fellowship and author of Reflections on Spiritual Awakening: Insights from the Asbury Awakening and Beyond.

Drawing from more than 50 years of pastoral and revival ministry, Bill Elliff’s passion is to see genuine revival and methodological renewal in the church, which he refers to as “both new wine and new wineskins.” He is the author of sixteen books, a frequent conference speaker, writer, prayer and revival leader, and church consultant. His most recent book is Reflections on Spiritual Awakening: Insights from the Asbury Awakening and Beyond.