Loving and Leading the Local Church is a one-day church revitalization conference designed to further equip and encourage pastors and leaders ministering in established churches.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend on Thursday, August 24, 2023, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, at First Baptist Church Lancaster, OH. The plenary speakers are Brian Croft from Practical Shepherding and Nick Sandefur, Senior Pastor of Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, KY. Additionally, you can attend several breakout sessions addressing specific revitalization issues.
Registration price is $20 online and $30 on-site. Lunch is guaranteed for all who register by Aug 17; every attendee will receive book giveaways and other gifts.
Main session speakers will include Brian Croft and Nick Sandefur.

Brian Croft
Executive Director
Practical Shepherding, Inc.

Nick Sandefur
Senior Pastor
Porter Memorial Baptist Church
Watch the video invitation at https://vimeo.com/853829665

FBC Lancaster is the event venue